Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Potter's head to Italy...

Originally uploaded by Kate Potter
The Potter's headed to Montifiascone in Italy to see Ian's dad Paul and Caroline. It was quite surreal driving to Italy from Luchon, as we only planned the trip the day before. We hired a car and filled it to the brim with my bike, turbo and various other exercise equipment, including running shoes and a swimming costume.
The drive was a smooth one in France, and I loved driving through Monaco, but once we hit Italy it was secure seat belts and hang on for dear life, as Italian drivers like to go fast and swap lanes whenever they fancy it. There were a few hairy moments, but we managed to find Ian's Paul Dad in one piece, who was meeting the two of us, en route. I thought I could relax, but I forgot that Paul also likes to drive fast, and Ian hates to be out done by his dad. Luckily, being the Mrs in this relationship, I had calm words with Mr Potter (junior) who I threatened to throw up on if he didn't slow down. We arrived at Paul and Caroline's beautiful home, called 'Serendipity', at about 10:30pm.
The next day, which is officially Day 1 of our little Italian adventure, will be posted shortly......

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